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ALVES, D.M.C. ; BRITO, D . Priorities for mammal conservation in Brazil. Tropical Conservation Science, v. 6, p. 558-583, 2013.

AQUINO, R. S. S. ; SILVEIRA, S. S. ; PESSOA, W. F. B. ; RODRIGUES, A. ; ANDRIOLI, J. L. ; DELABIE, J. H. C. ; FONTANA, R. . Filamentous fungi vectored by ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in a public hospital in north-eastern Brazil. The Journal of Hospital Infection, v. 83, p. 200-204, 2013.

ASPRINO, R. C. ; AMORIM, André Marcio Araujo . Styracaceae para a Flora da Bahia, Brasil. Sitientibus. Série Ciências Biológicas, v. 13, p. on line #236/01-22, 2013.

BARTH, Adriane ; SOUZA, V. A. ; SOLÉ, Mirco; COSTA, Marco A. . Molecular cytogenetics of nucleolar organizer regions in Phyllomedusa and Phasmahyla species (Hylidae, Phyllomedusinae): a cytotaxonomic contribution. Genetics and Molecular Research, v. 12, p. 2400-2408, 2013.

BASTOS, Alex C. ; MOURA, Rodrigo L. ; AMADO-FILHO, Gilberto M. ; DAGOSTINI, D. P. ; SECCHIN, Nelio Augusto ; FRANCINI-FILHO, R. B. ; GUTH, Arthur Z. ; SUMIDA, Paulo Y. ; MAHIQUES, M ; THOMPSON, Fabiano L. . Buracas: Novel and unusual sinkhole-like features in the Abrolhos Bank. Continental Shelf Research, v. 1, p. 1, 2013.

BITTENCOURT, Flora ; TARAZI, ROBERTO ; GAIOTTO, FERNANDA A. . Development of microsatellite markers for Virola officinalis Warb. (Myristicaceae), an endemic tree of the Brazilian Atlantic rain forest by next generation sequencing technology. Conservation Genetics Resources (Print), v. 000, p. 000-000, 2013.

BOMFIM, J. A. ; SILVA, R. M. ; SOUZA V.F. ; ANDRADE, E. R. ; CAZETTA, E. . Effects of shade cocoa plantation on artificial fruit consumption by birds in two contrasting landscapes in Southern Bahia, Brazil. Journal of Tropical Ecology (Print), v. 29, p. 313-319, 2013.

BRAGA FILHO, H. ; SCHIAVETTI, Alexandre . Attitudes and local ecological knowledge of experts fishermen in relation to conservation and bycatch of sea turtles (reptilia: testudines), Southern Bahia, Brazil. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, v. 9, p. 15, 2013.

CABRAL, R. ; BRITO, D . Temporal and spatial investments in the protected area network of a megadiverse country. Zoologia (Curitiba. Impresso), v. 30, p. 177-181, 2013.

CAMARDELLI, M. ; MATOS, M. ; MARCIANO JUNIOR, E . Leposoma puk (Geographic Distribution). Herpetological Review, v. 44, p. 273-274, 2013.

CAMARGO, M. G. G. ; CAZETTA, E. ; Schaefer, M. ; MORELLATO, L. P. C. . Fruit color and contrast in seasonal habitats a case study from a cerrado savanna. Oikos (Kobenhavn), v. 122, p. 1335-1342, 2013.

CAMARGO, Nícholas F. ; RIBEIRO, Juliana F. ; CAMARGO, A. J. A. ; VIEIRA,  Emerson M. . Diet of the gracile mouse opossum Gracilinanus agilis (Didelphimorphia: Didelphidae) in a neotropical savanna: intraspecific variation and resource selection. Acta Theriologica, v. 58, p. 1-9, 2013.

CAMPOS, Felipe S. ; BRITO, Daniel ; SOLÉ, Mirco . Threatened Amphibians and Their Conservation Status within the Protected Area Network in Northeastern Brazil. Journal of Herpetology, v. 47, p. 277-285, 2013.

Campos, F. S. ; Lage, A. R. B. ; Ribeiro, P. H. P. . Diversity of medium and large sized mammals in a Cerrado fragment of central Brazil. Journal of Threatened Taxa, v. 5, p. 4994-5001, 2013.

Campos, F. S. ; Lage, A. R. B. . Checklist of amphibians and reptiles from the Nova Roma Ecological Station, in the Cerrado of the State of Goiás, central Brazil. Herpetology Notes, v. 6, p. 431-438, 2013.

CARAMASCHI, U. ; ORRICO, VICTOR G. D. ; FAIVOVICH, J. ; DIAS, IURI RIBEIRO; SOLÉ, Mirco . A New Species of Allophryne (Anura: Allophrynidae) from the Atlantic Rain Forest Biome of Eastern Brazil. Herpetologica (Austin, TX), v. 69, p. 480-491, 2013.

CASSINI, C. S. ; ORRICO, Victor Goyannes Dill ; DIAS, Iuri Ribeiro ; SOLÉ, Mirco ; HADDAD, C. F. B. . Phenotypic variation of Leptodactylus cupreus Caramaschi, São-Pedro and Feio, 2008 (Anura, Leptodactylidae). Zootaxa (Auckland. Print), v. 3616, p. 73-84, 2013.

CASTILHO, L. C. ; MARTINEZ, R. A. ; GINE, G. A. F. ; RIBEIRO, Gabriela Cunha ; SCHIAVETTI, Alexandre . The thin-spined porcupine, Chaetomys subspinosus (Rodentia: Erethizontidae), within protected areas in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil: local knowledge and threats. Tropical Conservation Science, v. 6, p. 796-810, 2013.

CASTRO, Alinne Pereira ; ARAUJO, S. D. ; Reis, Alessandra M. M. ; POMPEU, M. ; HATAY, M. ; MOURA, R. L. ; FRANCINI-FILHO, R. B. ; THOMPSON, Fabiano L.; KRÜGER, R.H. . Bacterial communities associated with three Brazilian endemic reef corals (Mussismilia spp.) in a coastal reef of the Abrolhos shelf. Continental Shelf Research, v. 1, p. 1, 2013.

CAVALCANTI, GISELLE S. ; GREGORACCI, GUSTAVO B. ; LONGO, LEILA DE L. ; BASTOS, Alex C. ; FERREIRA, Camilo M. ; Francini-Filho, Ronaldo B. ; Paranhos, Rodolfo ; GHISOLFI, RENATO D. ; KRÜGER, RICARDO ; GÜTH, ARTHUR Z. ; SUMIDA, PAULO Y.G. ; BRUCE, THIAGO ; MAIA-NETO, OSWALDO ; DE O. SANTOS, EIDY ; IIDA, TETSUYA; MOURA, Rodrigo L. ;AMADO-FILHO, Gilberto M. ; Thompson, Fabiano L. . Sinkhole-like structures as bioproductivity hotspots in the Abrolhos Bank. Continental Shelf Research, v. 1, p. 1, 2013.

CELINI, L. ; ROY, V. ; DELABIE, JACQUES HUBERT CHARLES ; CAQUINEAU, S. ; QUESTEL, K. ; MORA, P. . Premiers signalements de Cyphomyrmex minutus Mayr, 1862 à Saint-Barthélemy, Petites Antilles, et au Mexique (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Attini).. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France, v. 118, p. 393-398, 2013.

CHAGAS, R. J. ; SANTOS, A. C. ; CAMPIOLO, SOFIA . Avaliação do Estado de Conservação da Fauna e Flora do Estado da Bahia: elaboração da lista vermelha da ictiofauna. Boletim, Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia, v. 107, p. 2-2, 2013.

DIAS, Nívia da Silva ; ZANETTI, R. ; Ronald Zanetti ; SANTOS, Mônica Silva; GOMES, M. F. ; PENAFLOR, V. ; BROGLIO, S. M. F. ; DELABIE, Jacques Hubert Charles. The impact of coffee and pasture agriculture on predatory and omnivorous leaf-litter ants. Journal of Insect Science (Online), v. 1, p. 1, 2013.

DIAS, Nivia da Silva ; ZANETTI, Ronald ; SANTOS, M. S. ; SANTOS, MÔNICA SILVA ; PEÑAFLOR, MARIA FERNANDA GOMES VILLALBA ; BROGLIO, SÔNIA MARIA FORTI ; DELABIE, Jacques Hubert Charles . The Impact of Coffee and Pasture Agriculture on Predatory and Omnivorous Leaf-Litter Ants. Journal of Insect Science, v. 13, p. 1-11, 2013.

DIAS-PINI, N. S. ; Zanetti, R. ; SANTOS, M.S. ; PEÑAFLOR, M.F.V. ; BROGLIO, S.M.F. ; DELABIE, Jacques Hubert Charles; BROGLIO, S.M.F. . The impact of coffee and pasture agriculture on predatory and omnivorous leaf-litter ants. Journal of Insect Science (Online), v. 13, p. 1-12, 2013.

DINIZ, M. F. ; BRITO, D . Threats to and viability of the giant anteater, Myrmecophaga tridactyla (Pilosa: Myrmecophagidae), in a protected Cerrado remnant encroached by urban expansion in central Brazil. Zoologia (Curitiba. Impresso), v. 30, p. 151-156, 2013.

DOCIO, L. ; COSTA NETO, E. M. ; Pinheiro, U. ; SCHIAVETTI, A. . Fool classification of sea sponges (Animalia, Porifera) by artisanal fishermen of a traditional fishing community at Camamu Bay, Bahia, Brazil.. Interciencia (Caracas), v. 38, p. 60-66, 2013.

DOCIO, L. ; COSTA NETO, E. M. ; PINHEIRO, U. ; SCHIAVETTI, A. . Fool classification of sea sponges (Animalia, Porifera) by artisanal fishermen of a traditional fishing community at Camamu Bay, Bahia, Brazil.. Interciencia (Caracas), v. 38, p. 60-66, 2013.

Falqueto A. R. ; PINHEIRO, C. L. ; OLIVEIRA, L. C. ; FIGUEIREDO, D. D. C. ; SILVA, D. M. . Characterization of photosynthetic apparatus of Brasiliorchis porphyrostele (Orchidaceae) infested by mealybug using Chl a fluorescence OLKJIP transient measurements. Revista de Ciências Agro-Ambientais (Online), 2013.

FERNANDES, VALÉRIA FERREIRA ; ALMEIDA, LAÍS B. DE ; FEIJÓ, EMILY V. R. DA S. ; SILVA, DELMIRA DA C. ; OLIVEIRA, ROSILENE A. DE ; MIELKE, Marcelo S. ; COSTA, LARISSA C. DO B. . Light intensity on growth, leaf micromorphology and essential oil production of Ocimum gratissimum. Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia (Impresso), v. 23, p. 419-424, 2013.


FRANCINI-FILHO, Ronaldo B. ; CONI, Ericka O. C. ; MEIRELLES, PEDRO M. ; AMADO-FILHO, Gilberto M. ; THOMPSON, Fabiano L. ; PEREIRA-FILHO, Guilherme H. ; BASTOS, Alex C. ; ABRANTES, Douglas P. ; FERREIRA, Camilo M. ; GIBRAN, Fernando Z. ; GÜTH, ArthuZ. ; SUMIDA, Paulo Y. G. ; OLIVEIRA, Nara L. ; KAUFMAN, Les; MINTE-VERA, Carolina V. ; MOURA, Rodrigo L. . Dynamics of Coral Reef Benthic Assemblages of the Abrolhos Bank, Eastern Brazil: Inferences on Natural and Anthropogenic Drivers. Plos One, v. 8, p. e54260, 2013.

GARCIA, GIZELE D. ; GREGORACCI, GUSTAVO B. ; DE O. SANTOS, EIDY ; MEIRELLES, PEDRO M. ; SILVA, GENIVALDO G. Z. ; EDWARDS, ROB ; SAWABE, TOMOO ; GOTOH, KAZUYOSHI ; NAKAMURA, SHOTA ; IIDA, TETSUYA ; MOURA, Rodrigo L. ; Thompson, Fabiano L. . Metagenomic Analysis of Healthy and White Plague-Affected Mussismilia braziliensis Corals. Microbial Ecology (Online), v. x, p. x, 2013.

Giglio, V.J. ; Freitas M.O. . Caracterização da pesca artesanal com rede de camboa na Reserva Extrativista do Cassurubá, Bahia. Biotemas, v. 26, p. 249-259, 2013.

GOETZ, S. ; BEDE, L. ; PAIVA, A. O. ; CASSANO, C. ; AMORIM, A. M. ; FARIA. D. M. ; MARIANO-NETO, E. ; MARTINI, A.Z. ; SAMBUICHI, R.H. ; LOBO, R. . Contribution of cocoa agroforests to landscape carbon storage in Southern Bahia, Brazil. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, v. 19, p. 01-17, 2013.

GROC, S. ; DELABIE, JACQUES HUBERT CHARLES ; Fernández, Fernando ; Leponce, Maurice ; Orivel, J. ; SILVESTRE, R. ; Vasconcelos, Heraldo L. ; DEJEAN, Alain . Leaf-litter ant communities (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in a pristine Guianese rainforest: stable functional structure versus high species turnover. Myrmecological News, v. 19, p. 43-51, 2013.

LANTYER-SILVA, A.S.F. ; SIQUEIRA JR., S. ; Zina, J. . Checklist of amphibians in a transitional area between the Caatinga and the Atlantic Forest, central-southern Bahia, Brazil. Check List (São Paulo. Online), v. 9, p. 725-732, 2013.

LEITE, GABRIEL AUGUSTO ; PINHEIRO, RENATO TORRES ; MARCELINO, DIANES GOMES ; FIGUEIRA, JOSÉ EUGÊNIO CÔRTES ; DELABIE, Jacques Hubert Charles . Foraging Behavior of Kaempfer's Woodpecker ( Celeus obrieni ), a Bamboo Specialist. The Condor (Los Angeles, Calif.), v. 115, p. 221-229, 2013.

LIMA, MARÍLIA MASCARENHAS ; MARIANO-NETO, EDUARDO . Extinction thresholds for Sapotaceae due to forest cover in Atlantic Forest landscapes. Forest Ecology and Management, v. 312, p. 260-270, 2013.

LISBOA, J.T. ; COUTO, E. C. G. ; SANTOS, P. P. ; DELABIE, Jacques Hubert Charles ; Araújo, P.B. . Isópodos terrestres (Crustacea: Isopoda: Oniscidea) em ninhos de térmitas (Blattodea: Termitidae) em uma plantação de cacau no Brasil. Biota Neotropica (Edição em Português. Online), v. 13, p. 1, 2013.

LOURENCO-DE-MORAES, R. ; LANTYER-SILVA, Amanda S. F. ; TOLEDO, Luis F. ; SOLÉ, Mirco . Tadpole, Oophagy, Advertisement Call, and Geographic Distribution of Aparasphenodon arapapa Pimenta, Napoli and Haddad 2009 (Anura, Hylidae). Journal of Herpetology, v. 47, p. 575-579, 2013.

MACHADO, A. F. P. ; VIANNA-FILHO, M. D. ; AMORIM, André Marcio Araujo ; ROMANIUC-NETO, S. . A new species Sorocea (Moraceae), from montane rainforest at Bahia state, Brazil. Systematic Botany, v. 58, p. 01-05, 2013.

MACHADO, N. ; BRITO, D ; LOYOLA, R. D. . Modeling extinction risk for seabirds in Brazil. Natureza & Conservação, v. 11, p. 48-53, 2013.

MARCIANO JUNIOR, E ; CAMARDELLI, M. ; MATOS, M. . Ischnocnema bilineata (Reproduction). Herpetological Review, v. 44, p. 122-123, 2013.

MARIANO, Cléa dos Santos Ferreira ; DELABIE, Jacques Hubert Charles. Le caryotype de la fourmi néotropicale Basiceros convexiceps (Mayr, 1887) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Myrmicinae).. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France, v. 118, p. 105-109, 2013.

MARTINS, L. C. B. ; DELABIE, Jacques Hubert Charles; Serrão, J. E. . Post-embryonic Development of Intramandibular Glands in Pachycondyla verenae (Forel) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) workers. Sociobiology, v. 60, p. 154-161, 2013.

MARTINS, C.C.A. ; Andriolo, A. ; Engel, M.H. ; Kinas, P.G. ; Saito, C.H. . Identifying priority areas for humpback whale conservation at Eastern Brazilian Coast. Ocean & Coastal Management, v. 75, p. 63-71, 2013.

MATOS, M. ; CAMARDELLI, M. ; MARCIANO JUNIOR, E . Alexandresaurus camacan (Geographic Distribution). Herpetological Review, v. 44, p. 273-273, 2013.

MELO, T. H. M. ; PORTO, M. ; SCHIAVETTI, M. B. M. P. ; CAMPIOLO, Sofia ; SCHIAVETTI, Alexandre . Legislação e prática para a conservação de cetáceos no Brasil com ênfase em atividades de turismo de observação. Revista de Direito Ambiental, v. 69, p. 1-10, 2013.

MENDES, C. V. M. ; SILVA JUNIOR, Euvaldo Marciano Santos ; RUAS, D. S. ; OLIVEIRA, R. M. ; SOLÉ, Mirco . Advertisement call of Scinax strigilatus (Spix, 1824) (Anura: Hylidae) from southern Bahia, Brazil. Zootaxa (Online), v. 3647, p. 499-500, 2013.

Mendes, Caio Vinicius de Mira ; OLIVEIRA, R. M. ; Ruas, Danilo Silva ; Dias, Iuri Ribeiro ; Argôlo, A. J . Xenopholis scalaris (Wucherer s Ground Snake). Defensive Behavior. Herpetological Review, v. 44, p. 669, 2013.

MERCÊS, D. DE A. ; PINHEIRO, M. P. ; OLIVEIRA FILHO, J. A. DE ; FRANÇA, Solange ; GOMES, F. P. ; Fiaschi, P. ; MIELKE, M. S. . Sobrevivência de plântulas, crescimento e características fotossintéticas de Discocarpus pedicellatus Fiaschi & Cordeiro (Phyllanthaceae). Rodriguésia (Impresso), v. 64, p. 1-10, 2013.

MIRANDA, PATRICIA NAKAYAMA ; MORATO, ELDER FERREIRA ; OLIVEIRA, MARCO ANTONIO ; DELABIE, Jacques Hubert Charles . A riqueza e composição de formigas como indicadores dos efeitos do manejo florestal de baixo impacto em floresta tropical no estado do Acre. Revista Árvore (Impresso), v. 37, p. 163-173, 2013.

MORAES, R. C. S. ; VIVAS, C. V. ; OLIVEIRA, F. A. ; MENEZES, I. P. P. ; VAN DEN BERG, C. ; GAIOTTO, F. A. . Microsatellite markers for an endemic Atlantic forest tree, Manilkara multifida (Sapotaceae). AOB Plants, v. 5, p. plt006, 2013.

MORAIS, A.R. ; SIQUEIRA, M. N. ; LEMES, P. ; MACIEL, N. M. ; MARCO, P ; BRITO, D . Unraveling the conservation status of Data Deficient species. Biological Conservation, v. 166, p. 98-102, 2013.

MOURA, R. L. ; SECCHIN, NELIO AUGUSTO ; AMADO-FILHO, Gilberto M. ; FRANCINI FILHO, Ronaldo B ; FREITAS, M. O. ; MINTE-VERA, C. V. ; TEIXEIRA, J. B. ; THOMPSON, Fabiano L. ; DUTRA, G. F. ; SUMIDA, PAULO Y. G. ; GÜTH, ARTHUR Z. ; LOPES, R. M. ; BASTOS, Alex C. . Spatial patterns of benthic megahabitats and conservation planning in the Abrolhos Bank. Continental Shelf Research, v. 1, p. 1, 2013.

NASCIMENTO, R. A. ; SCHIAVETTI, A. ; MARTINEZ, R. A. . An assessment of illegal capuchin monkey trade in Bahia State, Brazil. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, v. 8, p. 79, 2013.

NERY, Emanoela Rodrigues Amorim ; SARAIVA, Camila Silva ; CRUZ, Leonídia Maria Serretti ; SOUZA, Maíra Miele Oliveira Rodrigues ; GOMES, Francisco Sanches ; EL-HANI, Charbel Niño ; MARIANO-NETO, EDUARDO . The restoration concept in the scientific literature and in the Brazilian law. Revista CAITITU - aproximando pesquisa ecológica e aplicação, v. 1, p. 43-56, 2013.

NEVES, F. ; QUEIROS-DANTAS, K. S. ; ROCHA, W. D. ; DELABIE, Jacques Hubert Charles . Ants of three adjacent habitats of a transition region between the cerrado and caatinga biomes: the effects of heterogeneity and variation in canopy cover. Neotropical Entomology (Impresso), v. 42, p. 258-268, 2013.

NOBRE, D. ; SCHIAVETTI, A. . Acordos de pesca, governança e conselho deliberativo de Reserva Extrativista: caso da Resex de Cassurubá, Caravelas, Bahia, Brasil. Boletim do Instituto de Pesca (Impresso), v. 39, p. 445-455, 2013.

PAMPONET, Thede Caires ; Gomes, Fábio Pinto ; DE ALMEIDA, ALEX-ALAN FURTADO ; MIELKE, Marcelo Schramm ; GOMES, LUANA MAHÉ COSTA ; PEDROSA, ANDRESA MUNIZ . Photosynthetic characteristics and fibre production following defoliation in attalea funifera mart., arecaceae, growing under full sun and forest understorey. Experimental Agriculture, v. 49, p. 435-447, 2013.

PAMPONÉT, Vanessa de Carvalho Cayres ; ALVES, T. F. ; Martinez, RA ; CORRÊA, Ronan Xavier ; Gaiotto, F.A. . Reduced genetic diversity in endemic Brazilian Lymania spp. (Bromeliaceae) populations and implications for conservation. Genetics and Molecular Research, v. 12, p. 4352-4362, 2013.

PEREIRA, M. C. ; DELABIE, Jacques Hubert Charles; SUARÉZ, Yzel Rodon ; ANTONIALLI JUNIOR, W. F. . Spatial connectivity of aquatic macrophytes and flood cycle influence species richness of an ant community of a Brazilian floodplain. Sociobiology, v. 60, p. 41-49, 2013.

PINHEIRO, M. P. ; OLIVEIRA FILHO, J. A. DE ; FRANÇA, Solange ; AMORIM, André MIELKE, M. S. . Annual variation in canopy openness, air temperature and humidity in the understory of three forested sites in southern Bahia, Brazil. Ciência Florestal (UFSM. Impresso), v. 23, p. 107-116, 2013.

PINHEIRO, Marayana Prado ; OLIVEIRA FILHO, Josafá Amaral De ; FRANÇA, Solange; AMORIM, André Marcio ; MIELKE, Marcelo Schramm . Annual variation in canopy openness, air temperature and humidity in the understory of three forested sites in southern Bahia state, Brazil. Ciência Florestal, v. 23, p. 107-116, 2013.

PINTO, L. R. M. ; SANCHES, C. L. G. ; DIAS, C. T. S. ; LOGUERCIO, L. L. . Advantages of Multivariate Analysis of Profiles for Studies with Temporal Variation of Treatment Effects in Plants. International Journal of Plant Sciences, v. 174, p. 85-96, 2013.

PIOVESAN, Juliana Costa ; HAYATA, Rafael ; PINTO-LEITE, Clarissa Machado ; RIGUEIRA, Dary Moreira Gonçalves ; MARIANO-NETO, EDUARDO . Ecological processes and the landscape scale as guidelines for ecological restoration projects. Revista CAITITU - aproximando pesquisa ecológica e aplicação, v. 1, p. 57-72, 2013.

PREVEDELLO, J. ; VIEIRA, M. V ; DICKMAN, Chris R ; VIEIRA, E. M. . Population responses of small mammals to food supply and predators: a global meta-analysis. Journal of Animal Ecology (Print), v. 82, p. n/a-n/a, 2013.

PREVIERO, M. ; Minte-Vera, Carolina V. ; MOURA, R. L. . Fisheries monitoring in Babel: fish ethnotaxonomy in a hotspot of common names. Neotropical Ichthyology (Impresso), v. 11, p. 467-476, 2013.

LIUTH, H. S. ; TALORA, D. C. ; AMORIM, André Marcio Araujo . Phenological synchrony and seasonality of understory Rubiaceae in the Atlantic Forest, Bahia, Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasílica (Impresso), v. 27, p. 195-204, 2013.

RABOY, B. E. ; Zeigler S.L. ; Neves L.G ; Oliveira, L. C, . Occurrences of the Golden-Headed Lion Tamarin ( ) Above 500 Meters in Southern Bahia, Brazil and Implications for Conservation Planning. Primate Conservation, v. 26, p. 25-31, 2013.

RESENDE, J. J. ; PEIXOTO, P. E. ; Silva, E. N. ; DELABIE, Jacques Hubert Charles; SANTOS, G. M. M. . Arboreal ant assemblages respond differently to food source and vegetation physiognomies: a study in the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest. Sociobiology, v. 60, p. 174, 2013.

RIBEIRO, J. F. ; VIEIRA, E. M. . Interactions between a seed-eating neotropical rodent, the Azara's agouti ( ), and the Brazilian `pine . Austral Ecology (Print), v. 38, p. 1-8, 2013.

RIBEIRO, MIGUEL ANTONIO QUINTEIRO ; ALMEIDA,Alex-Alan Furtado De ; MIELKE, Marcelo Schramm ; GOMES, Fábio Pinto ; PIRES, Marcel Viana ; BALIGAR, VIRUPAX C. . Aluminum Effects on Growth, Photosynthesis, and Mineral Nutrition of Cacao Genotypes. Journal of Plant Nutrition, v. 36, p. 1161-1179, 2013.

RIBEIRO, P. H. P. ; SANCHEZ-LALINDE, C. ; VELEZ-GARCIA, F. ; SCHIAVETTI, Alexandre ; ALVAREZ, M. R. . Novo registro de Cabassous tatouay (Desmarest, 1804) para a Mata Atlântica da Bahia, Brasil. Edentata (Belo Horizonte), v. 14, p. 1, 2013.

RIBEIRO, S. P. ; ESPÍRITO SANTO, N. B. ; DELABIE, Jacques Hubert Charles ; Majer, Jonathan D. . Competition, resources and the ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) mosaic: a comparison of upper and lower canopy. Myrmecological News, v. 18, p. 113-120, 2013.

RIGUEIRA, Dary Moreira Gonçalves ; MARIANO-NETO, Eduardo . Monitoring: an integrated proposal for the evaluation of the success of ecological restoration projects for Brazilian forested areas. Revista CAITITU - aproximando pesquisa ecológica e aplicação, v. 1, p. 73-88, 2013.

RIGUEIRA, DARY MOREIRA GONÇALVES ; ROCHA, PEDRO LUÍS BERNARDO ; MARIANO-NETO, EDUARDO . Forest cover, extinction thresholds and time lags in woody plants (Myrtaceae) in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: resources for conservation. Biodiversity and Conservation, p. 3141-3163, 2013.

Santana F.D. CAZETTA, E. ; DELABIE J.H. . Interactions between ants and non-myrmecochorous diaspores in a tropical wet forest in southern Bahia, Brazil. Journal of Tropical Ecology (Print), v. 29, p. 71-80, 2013.

SANTANA, FLÁVIA DELGADO ; CAZETTA, ElianaDELABIE, Jacques Hubert Charles. Interactions between ants and non-myrmecochorous diaspores in a tropical wet forest in southern Bahia, Brazil. Journal of Tropical Ecology (Print), v. 21, p. 1-10, 2013.

SANTOS, C. Z. ; SCHIAVETTI, A. . Reservas Extrativistas Marinhas do Brasil: contradições de ordem legal, sustentabilidade e aspectos ecológicos. Boletim do Instituto de Pesca (Impresso), v. 39, p. 479-494, 2013.

SANTOS, M.S. ; ALVAREZ, Martin Roberto Valle ; SCHIAVETTI, A. . Surface patterns of Sotalia guianensis (Cetacea: Delphinidae) in the presence of boats in Port of Malhado, Ilhéus, Bahia-Brazil. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, v. 41, p. 80-88, 2013.

SANTOS, R. ; RAMOS, C. ; YOUNG, M. C. M. ; PINHEIRO, T. ; AMORIM, André Marcio Araujo ; KATO, M. J. ; BATISTA, R. . Antifungal constituents from the roots of Piper dilatatum Rich.. Journal of Chemistry, v. 2013, p. 160165, 2013.

SANTOS, R. A. S. E. ; SERAFIM, L. A. S. ; DORIA, T. A. F. ; FERNANDES, L. M. ; NUNES, J. A. C. C. ; OLIVEIRA, C. G. L. . Tamanho de fruto, hábitat e estrato arbóreo influenciam o consumo de frutos por aves na Floresta Atlântica?. Atualidades Ornitológicas (Online), v. 176, p. 12-15, 2013.

SANTOS, Raoni R. ; SANTOS, Indira M. C. ; SOLÉ, Mirco . Diet of Haddadus binotatus (Spix, 1824) (Anura: Craugastoridae) in Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest, Bahia state. North-Western Journal of Zoology (Print), v. 9, p. 1-7, 2013.

 SCHIAVETTI, Alexandre; MANZ, J. ; SANTOS, C. Z. ; MAGRO, T. C. ; PAGANI, Maria Inez . Marine Protected Areas in Brazil: an ecological approach regarding the large marine ecosystems. Ocean & Coastal Management, v. 76, p. 96-104, 2013.

SILVA, F. H. O. ; DELABIE, Jacques Hubert Charles ; SANTOS, G. B. ; MEURER, E. ; MARQUES, Marinês Isaac . Mini-Winkler Extractor and Pitfall Trap as Complementary Methods to Sample Formicidae. Neotropical Entomology (Impresso), v. 42, p. 351-358, 2013.

SOARES, S. A. ; SUAREZ, Y. R. ; FERNANDES, W.; TENORIO, P. M. S. ; DELABIE, Jacques Hubert Charles; ANTONIALLI, W. . Temporal variation in the composition of ant assemblages (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) on trees in the Pantanal floodplain, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia (Impresso), v. 57, p. 84-90, 2013.

SOUZA, H. J. ; DELABIE, Jacques Hubert Charles. Modélisation de la distribution géographique de la fourmi Basiceros scambognathus (Brown, 1949) dans la région Néotropicale (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Myrmicinae).. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France, v. 118, p. 7-13, 2013.

SOUZA, Vânia L. ; ALMEIDA, ALEX-ALAN F. ; S. SOUZA, JADIEL ; MANGABEIRA, PEDRO A. O. ; JESUS, RAILDO M. ; PIROVANI, CARLOS P. ; AHNERT, DÁRIO ; BALIGAR, VIRUPAX C. ; Loguercio, Leandro L. . Altered physiology, cell structure, and gene expression of Theobroma cacao seedlings subjected to Cu toxicity. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International, v. epub, p. of print, 2013.

STEVICK, P. T. ; ALLEN, J. M. ; Engel, Márcia H. ; FELIX, F. ; HAASE, B. ; Neves, Mariana C. . Inter-oceanic movement of an adult female humpback whale between Pacific and Atlantic breeding grounds off South America. The Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, v. 13, p. 159-162, 2013.

STOURNARAS, K. E. ; LO, E. ; BOHNING-GAESE, K. ; CAZETTA, E. ; DEHLING, D. M. ; SCHLEUNING, M. ; STODDARD, M. C. ; DONOGHUE, M. J. ; PRUM, R. O. ; Schaefer, M. . How colorful are fruits? Limited color diversity in fleshy fruits on local and global scales. New Phytologist (Print), v. 192, p. 617-629, 2013.

TEIXEIRA, JOÃO BATISTA ; MARTINS, AGNALDO SILVA ; PINHEIRO, HUDSON TERCIO ; SECCHIN, NELIO AUGUSTO ; LEÃO DE MOURA, RODRIGO; BASTOS, ALEX CARDOSO . Traditional Ecological Knowledge and the mapping of benthic marine habitats. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 115, p. 241-250, 2013.

TEIXEIRA, M.D.R. ; AMORIM, André Marcio Araujo ; SANTOS, F. R. . Pollen morphology of Menispermaceae in the state of Bahia, Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasílica (Impresso), v. 27, p. 436-444, 2013.

TEIXEIRA, M.D.R. ; FIASCHI, P. ; AMORIM, André Marcio Araujo . Marcgraviaceae para a Flora da Bahia, Brasil. Sitientibus. Série Ciências Biológicas, v. 13, p. on line #219/01-30, 2013.

VIEIRA, EMERSON M. ; BRIANI, DENIS C. . Short-term effects of fire on small rodents in the Brazilian Cerrado and their relation with feeding habits. International Journal of Wildland Fire, v. 22, p. 1063-1071, 2013.

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