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ALMEIDA, Rafael Felipe; AMORIM, André Marcio Araujo. Stigmaphyllon caatingicola (Malpighiaceae), a new species from Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests in Brazil. Phytotaxa: a rapid international journal for accelerating the publication of botanical taxonomy , v. 174, p. 82-88, 2014.

ALMEIDA-ROCHA, J. M. ; REIS P.R.P ; OLIVEIRA, L. C., Play Behavior of the Golden-Headed Lion Tamarin in Brazilian Cocoa Agroforest. Folia Primatologica , v. 85, p. 192-199, 2014.

ALVES JUNIOR, Nelson ; MEIRELLES, Pedro Milet ; DE OLIVEIRA SANTOS, Eidy ; DUTILH, Bas ; SILVA, Genivaldo G. Z. ; PARANHOS, Rodolfo ; CABRAL, Anderson S. ; REZENDE, Carlos ; IIDA, Tetsuya ; MOURA, Rodrigo L. de; KRUGER, Ricardo Henrique ; PEREIRA, Renato C. ; VALLE, Rogério ; SAWABE, Tomoo ; THOMPSON, Cristiane ; THOMPSON, Fabiano . Microbial community diversity and physical-chemical features of the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Archives of Microbiology , v. 00, p. 00-00, 2014.

ALVES, D.M.C.; TERRIBILE, L. C.; BRITO, Daniel . The Potential Impact of White-Nose Syndrome on the Conservation Status of North American Bats. Plos One , v. 9, p. e107395, 2014.

AMORIM, A.M. ; JARDIM, J.G. ; GOLDENBERG, R. . Physeterostemon gomesii (Melastomataceae): the fourth species of this endemic genus in Bahia, Brazil. Phytotaxa (Online) , v. 175, p. 45-50, 2014.

AMORIM, Josiane Santos ; TARAZI, Roberto ; RODRIGUES, Polliana Silva ; TSAI, Siu Mui ; BERG, Cássio ; GAIOTTO, Fernanda Amato. Development of microsatellite primers for Senna multijuga (Fabaceae): a pioneer species from the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Conservation Genetics Resources (Print) , v. 6, p. 10.1007/s12686--570, 2014.

ANDRADE, João Carlos De Pádua; SCHIAVETTI, Alexandre. Artisanal fishing and local conflicts: the case of the `Pedras de Una fishing community, Bahia, Brazil. Revista da Gestão Costeira Integrada, v. 14, p. 1, 2014.

ARAÚJO, C. C. ; WANG, J. Y. ; HUNG, S. K. ; WHITE, B. N. ; BRITO, D . Viability of the Critically Endangered Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis) population in the Eastern Taiwan Strait. Endangered Species Research, v. 24, p. 263-271, 2014.

ARAUJO, T. R. F. ; FIASCHI, P. ; AMORIM, A. M. . Erythroxylum (Erythroxylaceae) na Mata Atlântica da Bahia, Brasil. Rodriguésia (Online), v. 65, p. 637-658, 2014.

ARGOLO FILHO, R. C. ; COSTA, R. L. ; Pinheiro, D.H. ; VALICENTE, F. H. ; POMELLA, A. W. V. ; LOGUERCIO, L. L. . Requirement of Simultaneous Assessment of Crystal- and Supernatant-Related Entomotoxic Activities of Bacillus thuringiensis Strains for Biocontrol-Product Development. Toxins , v. 6, p. 1598-1614, 2014.

ARGÔLO-FILHO, Ronaldo; LOGUERCIO, Leandro. Bacillus thuringiensis Is an Environmental Pathogen and Host-Specificity Has Developed as an Adaptation to Human-Generated Ecological Niches. Insects, v. 5, p. 62-91, 2014.

BANKS-LEITE, C.; PARDINI, R. ; BOSCOLO, D. ; CASSANO, C.R.; PUTTKER, T. ; BARROS, C. S. ; BARLOW, J. . Assessing the utility of statistical adjustments for imperfect detection in tropical conservation science. Journal of Applied Ecology (Print) , v. n/a, p. n/a-n/a, 2014.

BARBOSA FILHO, M. L. V. ; SCHIAVETTI, A. ; TRIGUEIRINHO, Daniela Alarcon ; COSTA NETO, E. M. . 'Shark is the man!': ethnoknowledge of Brazil's South Bahia fishermen regarding shark behaviors. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine , v. 10, p. 54, 2014.

BARBOSA, A. S. ; OLIVEIRA, M. ; LEAL, A. L. ; MÜHLEN, C. V. ; SPINDLER, C. S.; SOLÉ, Mirco. Diet of Hypsiboas leptolineatus (Braun and Braun, 1977) (Amphibia: Anura: Hylidae) during the breeding season. Herpetology Notes, v. 7, p. 505-508, 2014.

BARROS, L.A.C ; AGUIAR, H.J.A.C. ; MARIANO, C. S. F. ; DELABIE, Jacques Hubert Charles; POMPOLO, S. G. . Cytogenetic characterization of the ant Trachymyrmex fuscus Emery, 1934 (Formicidae: Myrmicinae: Attini) with the description of a chromosomal polymorphism. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France , v. 49, p. 367-373, 2014.

BARROS, LUÍSA ANTÔNIA CAMPOS ; TEIXEIRA, G. A. ; AGUIAR, Hilton Jeferson Alaves Cardoso de ; MARIANO, Cléa dos Santos Ferreira ; DELABIE, Jacques Hubert Charles; POMPOLO, S. G. . Banding patterns of three leafcutter ant species of the genus Atta (Formicidae:Myrmicinae) and chromosomal inferences. Florida Entomologist , v. 97, p. 1694-1701, 2014.

BARTH, Adriane ; VENCES, Miguel; SOLÉ, Mirco; COSTA, MARCO ANTONIO . Molecular cytogenetics and phylogenetic analysis of Brazilian leaf frog species of the genera Phyllomedusa and Phasmahyla (Hylidae: Phyllomedusinae). Canadian Journal of Zoology (Print) , v. 92, p. 140809143716002-795-802, 2014.

BATISTA, Renata Lúcia Guedes; ALVAREZ, M. R. ; REIS, M. S. S. ; CREMER, M.J. ; SCHIAVETTI, A. . Site fidelity and habitat use of the Guiana dolphin, Sotalia guianensis (Cetacea: Delphinidae), in the estuary of the Paraguaçú River, northeastern Brazil. North-Western Journal of Zoology (Print) , v. 10, p. 1, 2014.

BITTENCOURT, Flora; TARAZI, Roberto ; GAIOTTO, Fernanda A. . Development of microsatellite markers for Virola officinalis Warb. (Myristicaceae), an endemic tree of the Brazilian Atlantic rain forest by next generation sequencing technology. Conservation Genetics Resources (Print) , v. 6, p. 83-86, 2014.

BORGES, Daniela B.; MARIANO-NETO, EduardoGAIOTTO, Fernanda A. . Development of microsatellite primers for Melanoxylon brauna (Fabaceae): an endangered and endemic tree from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Conservation Genetics Resources (Print) , v. 7, p. 65-68, 2014.


BOSCARDIN, J. ; COSTA, E. C. ; DELABIE, Jacques Hubert Charles. Relação entre guildas de formigas e a qualidade ambiental em Eucalyptus grandis submetido a diferentes controles de plantas infestantes no sul do Brasil. Entomotropica, v. 29, p. 173-182, 2014.

BUZANELLO, ELIZANDRA ; REZENDE, RACHEL ; SOUSA, FERNANDA ; DE LIMA SILVA MARQUES, ERIC ; LOGUERCIO, LEANDRO. A novel Bacillus pumilus-related strain from tropical landfarm soil is capable of rapid dibenzothiophene degradation and biodesulfurization. BMC Microbiology (Online) , v. 14, p. 257, 2014.

CAMARGO, M. G. G. ; CAZETTA, E. ; Schaefer, M. ; MORELLATO, L. P. C. . Characterizing background heterogeneity in visual communication. Basic and Applied Ecology (Print) , v. 15, p. 326-335, 2014.

CAMARGO, N. F. ; RIBEIRO, Juliana F. ; CAMARGO, A. J. A. ; VIEIRA, E. M.. Intra- and inter-individual variation show distinct trends as drivers of seasonal changes in the resource use of a neotropical marsupial. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , v. 111, p. 737-747, 2014.

CAMARGO, Nícholas F. ; RIBEIRO, Juliana F. ; CAMARGO, AMABÍLIO J. A.; VIEIRA, Emerson M. . Diet of the gracile mouse opossum Gracilinanus agilis (Didelphimorphia: Didelphidae) in a neotropical savanna: intraspecific variation and resource selection. Acta Theriologica , v. 59, p. 183-191, 2014.

CAMPOS, F.S. BRITO, DanielSOLÉ, M.. Diversity patterns, research trends and mismatches of the investigative efforts to amphibian conservation in Brazil. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (Impresso) , v. 86, p. 1873-1886, 2014.

Campos, F.S. ; Trindade-Filho, J. ; BRITO, Daniel; LLORENTE, G. ; SOLÉ, M.. The efficiency of indicator groups for the conservation of amphibians in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Ecology and Evolution , v. 4, p. 2505-2514, 2014.

CASSANO, C.R.; BARLOW, J. ; Pardini, R. . Forest loss or management intensification? Identifying causes of mammal decline in cacao agroforests. Biological Conservation , v. 169, p. 14-22, 2014.

CASSANO, Camila R. ; SCHROTH, G.; FARIA, Deborah ; DELABIE, Jacques H. C.; OLIVEIRA, Lúcio Cadaval; MARIANO-NETO, Eduardo. Desafios e recomendações para a conservação da biodiversidade na região cacaueira do sul da Bahia. Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau. Boletim Técnico, v. 205, p. 1-52, 2014.

CASTAÑO-MENESES, G. ; PALACIOS-VARGAS, J. G. ; DELABIE, Jacques Hubert Charles; SANTOS, R,J.; MARIANO, Cléa dos Santos Ferreira . Springtails (Collembola) from nests of Ponerinae (Formicidae: Ponerinae) ants in Brazilian cacao plantations. Florida Entomologist , v. 97, p. 1864-1866, 2014.

CELINI, L. ; ROY, V. ; DELABIE, J. H. C. ; FRECHAULT, S. ; PANDO, A. ; MORA, P. . Première mention de Technomyrmex difficilis (Forel, 1892) à Saint-Barthélemy, Petites Antilles (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Dolichoderinae). Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France, v. 119, p. 293-298, 2014.

COELHO, M. M. ; AMORIM, A.M. . Floristic composition of the Montane Forest in the Almadina-Barro Preto axis, Southern Bahia, Brazil. Biota Neotropica (Edição em Português. Online) , v. 14, p. 1-41, 2014.

CONCEICAO, E. S.; DELABIE, Jacques Hubert Charles; Della Lucia, Terezinha Maria Castro ; COSTA-NETO, A. O. ; MAJER, J. D. . Structural changes in arboreal ant assemblages (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in an age sequence of cocoa plantations in the south-east of Bahia, Brazil. Austral Entomology, p. n/a-n/a, 2014.

CONCEIÇÃO, E. S. ; MOURA, J. I. L. ; COSTA NETO, A. O. ; DELABIE, Jacques Hubert Charles. Choice of food resource by bees and ants (Hymenoptera: Apoidea, Formicidae) on coconut tree. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France , v. 50, p. 6-12, 2014.

DEJEAN, Alain ; Corbara, Bruno ; Céréghino, Régis ; Leponce, Maurice ; Roux, Olivier ; Rossi, Vivien ; Delabie, Jacques H. C.; COMPIN, ARTHUR . Traits allowing some ant species to nest syntopically with the fire ant in its native range. Insect Science (Print) , v. 1, p. n/a-n/a, 2014.

DIAS, Iuri Ribeiro; MEDEIROS, Tadeu T. ; NOVA, M. V. ; SOLÉ, M. . Amphibians of Serra Bonita, southern Bahia: a new hotpoint within Brazil s Atlantic Forest hotspot. ZooKeys (Online) , v. 449, p. 105-130, 2014.

DIAS, Iuri RibeiroMIRA-MENDES, C. V. ; SOLÉ, Mirco. Rapid inventory of herpetofauna at the APA (Environmental Protection Area) of the Lagoa Encantada and Rio Almada, Southern Bahia, Brazil. Herpetology Notes, v. 7, p. 627-637, 2014.

DUARTE, O. M. P. ; GAIOTTO, F. A. ; COSTA, M. A. . Genetic Differentiation in the Stingless Bee, Scaptotrigona xanthotricha Moure, 1950 (Apidae, Meliponini): a Species with Wide Geographic Distribution in the Atlantic Rainforest. Journal of Heredity , v. 105, p. 477-484, 2014.

EDGAR, Graham J. ; STUART-SMITH, Rick D. ; WILLIS, Trevor J. ; KININMONTH, Stuart ; BAKER, Susan C. ; BANKS, Stuart ; BARRETT, Neville S. ; BECERRO, Mikel A. ; BERNARD, Anthony T. F. ; BERKHOUT, Just ; BUXTON, Colin D. ; CAMPBELL, Stuart J. ; COOPER, Antonia T. ; DAVEY, Marlene ; EDGAR, Sophie C. ; FÖRSTERRA, Günter ; GALVÁN, David E. ; IRIGOYEN, ALEJO J. ; KUSHNER, David J. ; MOURA, Rodrigo; PARNELL, P. Ed ; SHEARS, Nick T. ; SOLER, German ; STRAIN, Elisabeth M. A. ; THOMSON, Russell J. . Global conservation outcomes depend on marine protected areas with five key features. Nature (London) , v. 506, p. 216-220, 2014.

FERNANDES, ITANNA OLIVEIRA ; DE OLIVEIRA, MARCIO LUIZ; DELABIE, Jacques Hubert Charles. Notes on biology of Brazilian populations of ants of the Pachycondyla foetida species complex (Formicidae: Ponerinae). Sociobiology , v. 60, p. 380-386, 2014.

FERNANDES, V. F. ; BEZERRA, L. A.; MIELKE, M.S. ; SILVA, Delmira da Costa ; COSTA, L.C.B. . Anatomia e ultraestrutura foliar de Ocimum gratissimum sob diferentes níveis de radiação luminosa. Ciência Rural (UFSM. Impresso) , v. 44, p. 1037-1042, 2014.

FERNANDES. I.O. ; OLIVEIRA, M.L ; DELABIE, Jacques H. C.. Description of two new species in the Neotropical Pachycondyla foetida complex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ponerinae) and taxonomic notes on the genus. Myrmecological News , v. 19, p. 133-163, 2014.

FERNANDO, Samodha C. ; WANG, JIA ; SPARLING, KIMBERLY ; GARCIA, Gizele D. ; Francini-Filho, Ronaldo B. ; MOURA, Rodrigo G L. de; Paranhos, Rodolfo ; Thompson, Fabiano L. ; THOMPSON, JANELLE R. . Microbiota of the Major South Atlantic Reef Building Coral Mussismilia. Microbial Ecology , v. 00, p. 00-00, 2014.

FERREIRA, H.; REUSS-STRENZEL, G. M. ; ALVES, J. A. ; SCHIAVETTI, Alexandre. Local ecological knowledge of the artisanal fishers on Epinephelus itajara (Lichtesntein, 1822) (Teleostei: epinephelidae) in Ilheus coast - Bahia State, Brazil. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine , v. 10, p. 51, 2014.

FREITAS, JULIANA MARTINS DA SILVA ; LACAU, SEBASTIEN ; DELABIE, Jacques Hubert Charles. Composition and Diversity of Ant Species into Leaf Litter of Two Fragments of a Semi-Deciduous Seasonal Forest in the Atlantic Forest Biome in Barra do Choça, Bahia, Brazil. Sociobiology , v. 61, p. 9-20, 2014.

FREITAS, Matheus Oliveira ; ROCHA, Gecely Rodrigues Alves ; CHAVES, Paulo De Tarso Da Cunha ; MOURA, Rodrigo Leão de. Reproductive biology of the lane snapper, Lutjanus synagris, and recommendations for its management on the Abrolhos Shelf, Brazil. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (Print) , v. 00, p. 1-10, 2014.

FRIGERI, E. ; CASSANO, CAMILA R. ; Pardini, R. . Domestic dog invasion in an agroforestry mosaic in southern Bahia, Brazil. Tropical Conservation Science , v. 7, p. 508-528, 2014.

GALLY, M. ; ZINA, Juliana ; MIRA-MENDES, C. V.SOLÉ, Mirco. Legs-interweaving: An unusual defense behaviour of anurans displayed by Agalychnis aspera (Peters, 1983). Herpetology Notes, v. 7, p. 623-625, 2014.

GEHARA, Marcelo Crawford, ANDREW J. ORRICO, Victor G. D. Rodríguez, ARIEL LÖTTERS, STEFAN Fouquet, BARRIENTOS, Antoine, BRUSQUETTI, Lucas S., DE LA RIVA, Francisco, ERNST Ignacio, URRUTIA, Raffael, GLAW, Giuseppe Gagliardi, GUAYASAMIN, Frank, HÖLTING, Juan M., JANSEN, Monique, KOK, Martin, KWET, Philippe J. R., AXEL, Lingnau, LYRA Rodrigo, MORAVEC, MARIANA, JI'Í POMBAL, José P. ROJAS-RUNJAIC, Fernando J. M. SCHULZE, Arne Señaris, J. CELSA, SOLÉ, Mirco , et al. ; High Levels of Diversity Uncovered in a Widespread Nominal Taxon: Continental Phylogeography of the Neotropical Tree Frog Dendropsophus minutus. Plos One , v. 9, p. e103958, 2014.

GROC, S. ; DELABIE, Jacques Hubert Charles; Fernández, Fernando ; Leponce, Maurice ; Orivel, J. ; SILVESTRE, R. ; Vasconcelos, Heraldo L. ; DEJEAN, Alain . Leaf-litter ant communities (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in a pristine Guianese rainforest: stable functional structure versus high species turnover. Myrmecological News , v. 19, p. 43-51, 2014.

KELMO, Francisco ; BELL, James J. ; MORAES, Simone Souza ; GOMES, Rilza Da Costa Tourinho ; MARIANO-NETO, Eduardo; ATTRILL, Martin J. . Differential Responses of Emergent Intertidal Coral Reef Fauna to a Large-Scale El-Niño Southern Oscillation Event: Sponge and Coral Resilience. Plos One , v. 9, p. e93209, 2014.

LANTYER-SILVA, Amanda S. F. ; SOLÉ, M.; ZINA, Juliana . Reproductive biology of a bromeligenous frog endemic to the Atlantic Forest: Aparasphenodon arapapa Pimenta, Napoli and Haddad, 2009 (Anura: Hylidae). Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (Impresso) , v. 86, p. 867-880, 2014.

LAVINSKY, A. O. ; GOMES, F. P. ; MIELKE, M. S.; FRANÇA, S. . Photosynthetic acclimation in shade-developed leaves of Euterpe edulis Mart (Arecaceae) after long-term exposure to high light. Photosynthetica (Praha) , v. 52, p. 351-357, 2014.

LEAL, Jeiza Botelho ; SANTOS, R. P. ; GAIOTTO, F.A. . Effect of selective logging on genetic diversity and gene flow in Cariniana legalis sampled from a cacao agroforestry system. Genetics and Molecular Research , v. 13, p. 626-635, 2014.

LEITMAN, P. ; AMORIM, André Marcio Araujo ; MENINI-NETO, L. ; FORZZA, R.C. . Epiphytic angiosperms in a mountain forest in southern Bahia, Brazil. Biota Neotropica (Edição em Português. Online) , v. 14, p. 1-12, 2014.

MAGALHÃES, H. F. ; COSTA NETO, E. M. ; SCHIAVETTI, A.. Cosmovisão e etnoconservação nos manguezais do município de Conde, Litoral Norte do Estado da Bahia, Brasil. Etnobiología, v. 12, p. 23-29, 2014.

MARINHO, L. C. ; ALMEIDA, RAFAEL FELIPE ; AMORIM, A. M. First records of Tovomita stergiosii Cuello (Clusiaceae: Clusieae) in Brazil. Check List (São Paulo. Online), v. 10, p. 1570, 2014.

MARINHO, L. C. ; AMORIM, A. M. . Flora da Bahia: Putranjivaceae. Sitientibus serie Ciencias Biologicas (SCB), v. 14, p. 01-04, 2014.

MARTINS, M.L. ; CARVALHO, P. C. L. ; LEDO, C. A. S. ; AMORIM, André Marcio Araujo. What's New in Manihot (Euphorbiaceae)?. Systematic Botany , v. 39, p. 485-489, 2014.

MELITO, M. ; FARIA, J. C. ; AMORIM, A.M. CAZETTA, E.. Demographic structure of a threatened palm (Euterpe edulis Mart.) in a fragmented landscape of Atlantic Forest in northeastern Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasílica (Impresso) , v. 28, p. 249-258, 2014.

MELLO, T. S. ; PERES, M. C. L. ; CHAVARI, J. L. ; BRESCOVIT, A. D. ; DELABIE, Jacques Hubert Charles. Ants (Formicidae) and spiders (Araneae) listed from the metropolitan region of Salvador, Brazil.. Check List (São Paulo. Online), v. 10, p. 355-365, 2014.

MELO, C. V. V. D. ; MORAES, R. C. S.; ALVES-ARAUJO, A. ; ALVES, M. ; MARIANO NETO, E.; VAN DEN BERG, C. ; GAIOTTO, F. A. . DNA barcoding in Atlantic Forest plants: what is the best marker for Sapotaceae species identification?. Genetics and Molecular Biology (online version) , v. 37, p. ahead of print, 2014.

MENEZES, Ivandilson Pessoa Pinto ; GAIOTTO, Fernanda Amato ; HOFFMANN, Lucia Vieira; CIAMPI, Ana Yamaguishi ; BARROSO, Paulo Augusto Vianna . Genetic diversity and structure of natural populations of Gossypium mustelinum, a wild relative of cotton, in the basin of the De Contas River in Bahia, Brazil. Genetica ('s-Gravenhage) , v. 142, p. 99-108, 2014.

MENEZES, Ivandilson Pessoa Pinto De; GAIOTTO, Fernanda Amato; SUASSUNA, Nelson Dias ; HOFFMANN, Lúcia Vieira ; BARROSO, Paulo Augusto Vianna . Susceptibility of Gossypium mustelinum Populations to the Main Cotton Diseases in Brazil. Journal of Agricultural Science, v. 6, p. 39-47, 2014.

MERCÊS, EDNEI DE ALMEIDA ; CAMURUGI, FELIPE ; BARRETO, GILVANA SANTOS ; SOLÉ, Mirco; JUNCÁ, FLORA ACUÑA . The tadpole of Bokermannohyla lucianae (Napoli & Pimenta 2003) (Amphibia, Anura, Hylidae). Zootaxa (Online) , v. 3904, p. 298-300, 2015.

MEYER, Christoph F. J. ; AGUIAR, Ludmilla M. de S. ; AGUIRRE, Luis F. ; BAUMGARTEN, Julio; CLARKE, Frank M. ; COSSON, Jean-François ; ESTRADA-VILLEGAS, S. ; FAHR, Jakob ; FARIA, Deborah ; FUREY, Neil . Species undersampling in tropical bat surveys: effects on emerging biodiversity patterns. Journal of Animal Ecology (Print) , v. 84, p. 113-123, 2014.

OLIVEIRA, Renan Manoel de; RUAS, Danilo Silva ; MENDES, Caio Vinicius De MiraSOLÉ, Mirco. Advertisement call of Rhinella crucifer (Wied-Neuwied, 1821) (Anura: Bufonidae) from southern Bahia, Brazil. Zootaxa (Auckland. Print) , v. 3784, p. 97-98, 2014.

ORRICO, Victor G. D. ; PELOSO, Pedro L. V. ; STURARO, Marcelo J. ; SILVA-FILHO, Heriberto F. DA ; NECKEL-OLIVEIRA, Selvino ; GORDO, Marcelo ; FAIVOVICH, Julián ; HADDAD, Célio F. B. . A new -Bat-Voiced- species of Dendropsophus Fitzinger, 1843 (Anura, Hylidae) from the Amazon Basin, Brazil. Zootaxa (Auckland. Print) , v. 3881, p. 341-361, 2014.

PEIXOTO, F. P. ; BRAGA, P. H. P. ; CIANCIARUSO, M.V. ; DINIZ-FILHO, J.A.F. ; BRITO, Daniel. Global patterns of phylogenetic beta diversity components in bats. Journal of Biogeography (Print) , v. 41, p. 762-772, 2014.

PENA, J. C. C. ; KAMINO, L. H. Y. ; RODRIGUES, M. ; MARIANO-NETO, EDUARDO; SIQUEIRA, M. F. . Assessing the conservation status of species with limited available data and disjunct distribution. Biological Conservation , v. 170, p. 130-136, 2014.

PERDIZ, R.O. ; FERRUCI, M.S. ; AMORIM, André Márcio. Sapindaceae em remanescentes de florestas montanas no sul da Bahia, Brasil. Rodriguésia (Online), v. 65, p. 987-1002, 2014.

PEREIRA, JANAINA CRUZ ; DELABIE, Jacques Hubert Charles; ZANETTE, SGOBARO, Lorenzo Roberto; QUINET, Yves Patric. Studies on an Enigmatic Blepharidatta Wheeler Population (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from the Brazilian Caatinga. Sociobiology , v. 61, p. 52-59, 2014.

PEREIRA, P. F. ; AZEVEDO, C. D. R. ; CONCEIÇÃO, E. S. ; Costa Neto, A. O. ; Delabie, J. H. C.. Assembleia de formigas de cafezal do extremo sul da Bahia e potencial para controle biológico. Agrotrópica (Itabuna), v. 26, p. 73-78, 2014.

PEREIRA-FILHO, Guilherme Henrique ; FRANCINI-FILHO, Ronaldo Bastos ; PIEROZZI-JR, Ivan ; PINHEIRO, Hudson Tércio ; BASTOS, Alex Cardoso ; MOURA, Rodrigo Leão de; MORAES, Fernando Coreixas; MATHEUS, Zaira ; DA GAMA BAHIA, Ricardo; AMADO-FILHO, Gilberto Menezes . Sponges And Fish Facilitate Succession From Rhodolith Beds To Reefs. Bulletin of Marine Science , v. 91, p. 45-46, 2014.

PERES, MARCELO CESAR LIMA ; BENATI, KÁTIA REGINA ; DE ANDRADE, ALESSANDRA RODRIGUES S. ; GUIMARÃES, MARCOS VINICIUS ALVIM ; DA SILVA MELO, TÉRCIO ;BRESCOVIT, ANTONIO DOMINGO ; DELABIE, Jacques Hubert Charles. Tree-Fall Gaps Effects on Spider (Araneae) Assemblages in an Atlantic Forest Landscape in Northeastern Brazil. Open Journal of Animal Sciences, v. 04, p. 118-133, 2014.

PESSOA, C. S. ; COSTA, J.A. ; AMORIM, A. M. . Flora da Bahia: Malpighiaceae 2 - Heteropterys. Sitientibus serie Ciencias Biologicas (SCB), v. 14, p. 01-41, 2014.

RAGHUNATHAN, Nima; FRANCOIS, L. ; HUYNEN, M.C.; OLIVEIRA, L. C. ; HAMBUCKERS, A. . Modelling the distribution of key tree species used by lion tamarins in the Brazilian Atlantic forest under a scenario of future climate change. Regional Environmental Change (Print) , v. 47, p. 1-10, 2014.

RAMOS, R. M. ; PEZZUTI, J. C. B. ; VIEIRA, EMERSON M. . Age structure of the Vulnerable white-lipped peccary Tayassu pecari in areas under different levels of hunting pressure in the Amazon Forest. Oryx (Oxford. Print) , v. 48, p. 1-7, 2014.

RODRIGUES, Acácia B. ; FLORENCE, Ciro Tavares ; MARIANO-NETO, EduardoGAIOTTO, Fernanda A.. First microsatellite markers for Lecythis pisonis (Lecythidaceae), an important resource for Brazilian fauna. Conservation Genetics Resources (Print) , v. 7, p. 437-439, 2014.

SANTOS, C. Z.SCHIAVETTI, A. . Assessment of the management in Brazilian Marine Extractive Reserves. Ocean & Coastal Management , v. 93, p. 26-36, 2014.

SANTOS, C. Z.SCHIAVETTI, A.. Spatial analysis of Protected Areas of the coastal/marine environment of Brazil. Journal for Nature Conservation (Print) , v. 22, p. 1-10, 2014.

SANTOS, M. S. ; FEIJÓ, N. S. A. ; SECCO, T. M. ; MIELKE, M.S.; GOMES, F. P. ; COSTA, L.C.B.; SILVA, Delmira da Costa . Efeitos do sombreamento na anatomia foliar de Gallesia integrifolia (Spreng) Harms e Schinnus terebinthifolius Raddi. Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais (Impresso), v. 16, p. 89-96, 2014.

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