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DE ASSIS BOMFIM, J.; GUIMARÃES, P. R.; PERES, C. A. ; CARVALHO, G.; CAZETTA, E.. Local extinctions of obligate frugivores and patch size reduction disrupt the structure of seed dispersal networks. ECOGRAPHY, v. 41, p. 1899-1909, 2018.
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DE SOUSA-LIMA, R. S.; ENGEL, M.; Sábato V; LIMA, B. R. ; QUEIROZ, T. S. M. ; BRITO, M. R. M. ; FERNANDES, D. P. ; MARTINS, C. A. C. ; HATUM, P. S. ; CASAGRANDE, T. ; HONDA, L. K. ; GONÇALVES, MARIA ISABEL CARVALHO ; BAUMGARTEN, J. E.; ANDRIOLO, A. ; RIBEIRO, MILTON C. ; CLARK, C. W. . Acoustic ecology of humpback whales in Brazilian waters investigated with basic and sophisticated passive acoustic technologies over 17 years. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science, v. 1, p. 23-40, 2018. DEJEAN, Alain ; AZÉMAR, FRÉDÉRIC ; PETITCLERC, FRÉDÉRIC ; Delabie, J. H. C.; Corbara, Bruno ; Leroy, Céline ; Céréghino, Régis ; COMPIN, ARTHUR . Highly modular pattern in ant-plant interactions involving specialized and non-specialized myrmecophytes. Science of Nature, v. 105, p. 43, 2018.
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FÉLIX-HACKRADT, F. C.; SANCHIS-MARTÍNEZ, A. M. ; HACKRADT, C. W.; TREVIÑO-OTÓN, J. ; GARCÍA-CHARTON, J. A.. Distribution and ecological relations among the alien crab, Percnon gibbesi (H. Milne-Edwards 1853) and autochthonous species, in and out of an SW Mediterranean MPA. Hydrobiologia, v. 806, p. 187-201, 2018.
FERREIRA, A. S.; PERES, C. A.; BOGONI, J. A. ; CASSANO, C. R.. Use of agroecosystem matrix habitats by mammalian carnivores (Carnivora): a global-scale analysis. MAMMAL REVIEW, v. 48, p. 312-327, 2018.
FERREIRA, L. M.; OLIVEIRA, E. G.; LOPES, LARA C.; BRITO, M. R. ; BAUMGARTEN, J. E.; RODRIGUES, F. H.; SOUSA-LIMA, R. S.. What do insects, anurans, birds, and mammals have to say about soundscape indices in a tropical savanna. Journal of Ecoacoustics, v. 2, p. PVH6YZ, 2018.
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GONÇALVES, F.; BOVENDORP, R. S.; BECA, GABRIELLE BELLO, C.; COSTA-PEREIRA, R.; MUYLAERT, R. L.; RODARTE, R. R.; VILLAR, N.; SOUZA, R.; GRAIPEL, M. E.; CHEREM, J. J.; FARIA, D.; BAUMGARTEN, J. E. . ALVAREZ, M. R.; VIEIRA, E. M.; CÁCERES, N.; PARDINI, R.; LEITE, Y. L. R.; COSTA, L. P.; MELLO, M.; A. R.; FISCHER, E.; PASSOS, F. C.; VARZINCZAK, L. H.; PREVEDELLO, J. A.; CRUZ-NETO, A. P. et al. ; ATLANTIC MAMMAL TRAITS: a data set of morphological traits of mammals in the Atlantic Forest of South America. ECOLOGY, v. 99, p. 498-498, 2018.
MILMANN, L.; MACHADO, R.; SUCUNZA, F.; OLIVEIRA, L. R.; SANTOS, R. A.; DI BENEDITTO, A. P. M.; REZENDE, C. E.; BAUMGARTEN, J. E. ; OTT, P. H.. New trophic link and potential feeding area of dwarf minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata subsp.) in mid latitude waters of the southwestern Atlantic Ocean. MAMMALIA, v. 83, p. 49-52, 2018.
GONÇALVES, M. I. C.; DE SOUSA-LIMA, R. S.; TEIXEIRA, N. N.; MORETE, M. E.; DE CARVALHO, G. H.; FERREIRA, H. M.; BAUMGARTEN, J. E.. Low latitude habitat use patterns of a recovering population of humpback whales. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, v. 98, p. 1087-1096, 2018.
GONÇALVES, M. I. C.; SOUSA-LIMA, R. S.; TEIXEIRA, N. N.; CARVALHO, G. H.; DANILEWICZ, D.; BAUMGARTEN, J. E.. Movement patterns of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) reoccupying a Brazilian breeding ground. Biota Neotropica (Online. Edição em Inglês), v. 18, p. 1-13, 2018.
GRANDE, H. ; REZENDE, S. M. ; SIMON, T. E. ; FELIX-HACKRADT, F. C.; GARCÍA-CHARTON, J. A. ; MAIDA, M. ; GASPAR, A. L. B. ; FRANCINI-FILHO, R. B. ; FREDOU, T. ; FERREIRA, B. P. . Diversity of settlement-stage reef fishes captured by light-trap in a tropical south-west Atlantic Ocean coastal reef system. Journal of Fish Biology, v. JFB138, p. 1-13, 2018.
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HERNÁNDEZ-RUEDAS, M. A.; ARROYO-RODRÍGUEZ, V.; MORANTE-FILHO, J. C.; MEAVE, J. A. ; MARTÍNEZ-RAMOS, M.. Fragmentation and matrix contrast favor understory plants through negative cascading effects on a strong competitor palm. Ecological Applications, v. 1, p. 1-0, 2018.
IMAMURA, M. M.; SOUSA, P. T. ; CARVALHO, G. H. ; PENDU, Y. L. ; SCHIAVETTI, ALEXANDRE . Behavioral responses of Sotalia guianensis (Cetartiodactyla, Delphinidae) to boat approaches in northeast Brazil. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research , v. 46, p. 268-279, 2018.
JARED, C.; MAILHO-FONTANA, P. L.; JARED, S. G. S. ; KUPFER, A.; DELABIE, J. H. C.; WILKINSON, M.; ANTONIAZZI, M. M.. Life history and reproduction of the neotropical caecilian Siphonops annulatus (Amphibia, Gymnophiona, Siphonopidae), with special emphasis on parental care. Acta Zoologica, v. early, p. 1-11, 2018. KOCH, E. B. A.; CORREIA, J. P. S. O.; MENEZES, R. S.; SILVESTRINI, R. A; DELABIE, J. H. C.; VASCONCELOS, H. L . New Records and Potential Distribution of the ant Gracilidris pombero Wild & Cuezzo (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology, v. 65, p. 375-382, 2018.
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LIMA, M.; PERES, C. A. ; ABRAHAMS, M. I.; SILVA JUNIOR, C. A.; COSTA, G. M.; SANTOS, REGINALDO CARVALHO DOS . The paradoxical situation of the white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari) in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation, v. 17, p. 1-7, 2018.
LOURENÇO-DE-MORAES, R. ; DIAS, I. R. ; MIRA-MENDES, C. V. ; OLIVEIRA, R. M. ; BARTH, A.; RUAS, D. S. ; VENCES, M. ; SOLÉ, M.; BASTOS, R. P.. Diversity of miniaturized frogs of the genus Adelophryne (Anura: Eleutherodactylidae): A new species from the Atlantic Forest of northeast Brazil. PLoS One, v. 13, p. e0201781, 2018.
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MACHADO, L. ; LOSS, A. ; PAZ, A. ; VIEIRA, E. M. ; RODRIGUES, F. ; MARINHO-FILHO, J. . Phylogeny and biogeography of Phyllomys (Rodentia: Echimyidae) reveal a new species from the Cerrado and suggest Miocene connections of the Amazon and Atlantic Forest. Journal of Mammalogy, v. 99, p. 377-396, 2018.
MELLO, C. M.; GONÇALVES, D. S.; SOLÉ, M.; ROSSA-FERES, D. C.; CONTE, C. E.. A comparison of tadpoles of two populations of Leptodactylus plaumanni (Anura: Leptodactylidae), with a discussion of Leptodactylus tadpole morphology. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment, v. 53, p. 233-244, 2018.
MENDONCA, A. F. ; PERCEQUILLO, A. R. ; CAMARGO, NÍCHOLAS F. ; RIBEIRO, J. F. ; PALMA, A. R. T ; OLIVEIRA, LEONARDO C. ; CÂMARA, E. M. V. C. ; VIEIRA, E. M.. Cerrado Small Mammals: a dataset of abundance and distribution of marsupials, lagomorphs, and rodents in a neotropical savanna. Ecology, v. 99, p. 1900-1900, 2018.
MIRA-MENDES, C. V.; RUAS, D. S.; MANOEL DE OLIVEIRA, R.; .CASTRO, I. M.; RIBEIRO DIAS, I.; BAUMGARTEN, J. E.; ACUÑA JUNCÁ, FLORA ; SOLÉ, M.. Amphibians of the Reserva Ecológica Michelin: a high diversity site in the lowland Atlantic Forest of southern Bahia, Brazil. Zookeys (Online), v. 753, p. 1-21, 2018.
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